Next 5 Update

This past Sunday, November 3rd, 2024, marked three years since the launch of our Next 5 Initiative. I took a moment in our service to share what we have received, what has been given to our mission partners, what was used to bless our staff, what was leveraged for the purchase of land & pre-construction costs, what we have left in the bank designated toward the Next 5, and how we plan to move forward between now and the launch our next capital initiative. 

Here are the results of what we have received as of 11/01/2024:

• Cash Contributions: $381,212

• Non-Cash Contributions: $150,000

When we launched the Next 5 Initiative, we projected we would need around $500,000 to secure land based on the cost of property in our area. We received $353,000 worth of pledges in November 2021 and have received $28,212 more than what was pledged! In addition, when we purchased the 6 acres we own in August 2022, the previous owners donated 2 of those acres at a value of $150,000. When our cash contributions and non-cash contributions are added together, the total comes out to be $531,212, which is $31,212 more than we projected we would need. The Lord has been faithful to provide!

As a reminder, for every dollar we received to the Next 5, 80 cents went to land & pre-construction, 12.5 cents went to blessing our staff with salaries commensurate with their responsibilities, and 7.5 cents went to mission partners. To date, we have spent…

• $218,395 in land, pre-construction, and consulting costs

• $47,651 in staff compensation
[if you have any questions about how any of these dollars were allocated in our staff compensation, please contact Bobby Vaughan or Stanley John]

• $28,590 in gifts to our mission partners

As of 11/01/2024 we have $75,465 left in the bank designated to the Next 5. Those dollars are being used to pay our mortgage on the land and continue with pre-construction costs. 

We had hoped to launch the next phase of our capital initiative this fall, but with too many unanswered questions regarding utilities and the acquisition of additional property for a possible septic field, we have postponed the next phase until sometime in 2025. As a result, we will keep giving to the Next 5 Initiative open until the launch of our next phase. If you have been giving to the Next 5, let me encourage you to continue to do so. Any giving to the Next 5 will continue to be allocated according to the same percentages with 80% going to land, 12.5% going to staffing, and 7.5% going to missions. If you have not been giving to the Next 5, maybe this is your time to begin contributing to the future of our church. You can set up giving to the Next 5 on our website by designating your gift to the Next 5. 

The Lord has been faithful to provide at every step of our journey and I trust He will continue to give us everything we need to do all that He has for us in this community!

Pastor Shannon


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