Building a Praying Life: Learn How to Transform Your Prayer Life

As Christians, we know that prayer is essential to our spiritual life. Yet, in the midst of life's urgency, prayer often takes a backseat. Over the next eight weeks, join us on a transformative journey to build a praying life – a life lived in a prayer-filled posture.

Beyond Obligation: Unleashing Prayer's Power

Perhaps you've felt discouraged by unanswered prayers or wondered if prayer truly makes a difference. Maybe you view prayer as important but optional. We've all been there. We understand the Bible through reading, build community through fellowship, and show God's love through service. But what happens when we pray? It may seem like nothing, leading us to neglect this vital practice.

No Guilt, Just Transformation

Our goal isn't to induce guilt, but to reveal the profound impact prayer can have on your life. What if prayer became as essential as the air you breathe or the food you eat? Imagine prayer sustaining you, regardless of circumstances.

Jesus' Example: Prayer as a Source of Power

Even Jesus, being God, prayed for his disciples. Why? He could have simply willed the answers into existence. Yet, He chose to pray, demonstrating the value of prayer in fueling His life and ministry. He recognized the importance of partnering with God for his life and ministry. When you pray, you're not just speaking words; you're partnering with God in your daily life. And If Jesus relied on prayer to partner with his father, how much more should we? Who wouldn't want the Holy Spirit as a partner in navigating life's chaos and mundaneness?

Exploring Prayer's Depths

In our 8-week study, we'll cover a lot of topics on prayer like:

  • Explore why God has given us the arrangement of Prayer

  • Different types of prayers in the bible

  • Wrestle with the difficulties of unanswered prayers

  • Address common misconceptions that keep us from praying: Does God's omniscience make prayer unnecessary? If God knows what I need, why do I need to pray? Can prayer change God's mind or change the outcomes?

  • Discover how to hear God's voice and receive direction from the Holy Spirit

  • Practice prayer, cultivating a habit that will transform your faith

  • And finally discuss, What it looks like to cultivate a rhythm of prayer in your home

-written by Stanley John, Elder

Join the Journey

Commit participate with us as we learn how to build a praying life over these next few weeks. I would encourage you to attend even if you are unable to be there every week. Together, let's build a praying life – a life where prayer sustains, empowers, and transforms you.

Key Details:

  • Duration: 8 weeks (Oct. 6 - Nov. 24)

  • Time: 9:30 - 10:15

  • Childcare will be available


A Decade