Discipleship Pathway

A pathway indicates an ongoing journey not a destination. We choose to use this word in connection with discipleship because none of us every arrives as a disciple, but we can move further along the path. The purpose of our discipleship pathway is to assist us in our effort to “present everyone mature in Christ” Colossians 1:28. Our Discipleship Pathway involves growth in doctrine, discipline, and devotion.


Under doctrine we want our church members to clearly understand the doctrinal statement our church has affirmed, the BFM 2000. In addition, we want to equip our members to defend what they believe through training in apologetics.


We recognize that there are certain practices rooted in Scripture and expressed throughout church history that have helped form disciples of Jesus. Spiritual Disciplines such as Worship, Bible Study, Prayer, Service, Giving, Fasting, etc. are key to forming us as disciples. We want our church members to understand and practice these disciplines.


While the discipleship pathway involves certain inputs, it should also produce a certain output. The output of deepening doctrinal understanding and exercising of spiritual disciplines should be a growing devotion to the Lord characterized by:
• love for God
• obedience to God’s word
• care for God’s people
• compassion for the lost
• development of virtues such as the Fruits of the Spirit and the Beatitudes
• service to the church & community

This devotion in the life of a disciple should be expressed in our homes, church, neighborhoods, and workplaces.


Trailheads are places to get on the path of discipleship as we aim to mature into the likeness of Christ. At Redeemer we envision a number of trailheads, one of the most important ones being Sunday Service where we gather weekly with the church for worship, prayer, public reading of Scripture, preaching, and communion.

A place to practice spiritual disciplines and renewed relationships. Click HERE for times and locations. You can also contact CRAIG COOPER for more detailed information!

Gathering with other women for instruction, mentoring, fellowship & encouragement.

Employing our gifts & abilities in service of the church body and our community.

An open classroom environment for instruction.