In light of the Great Commission, we exist to share the gospel, shape disciples, and send missionaries into our neighborhoods and around the world.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”  Matthew 28:19-20


Share the Gospel: The good news of what God has done to reconcile people to Himself and heal all of creation is the most important news anyone could ever share. Our mission as a church is to share this news in two distinct yet connected ways.

First we are aiming to share the gospel in our city by verbally declaring the good news of Jesus with clarity and conviction. We preach Christ as our crucified & resurrected Savior. We sing of the love, grace, and kindness of God that leads us to repentance. We speak of Jesus personally by telling the story of how God saved and is working in us. We want the name of Jesus to be on our lips both in our public services and in our private lives.

Second, we are aiming to share the gospel in our city by visually demonstrating the good news of Jesus through compassion and reconciliation. In the same way that God, full of love and compassion, moved toward us in the sending of His Son to meet us in our need, we want to move toward others in our city to graciously serve them and meet their needs. We also want to see a church formed where we demonstrate the reconciling and healing power of the truth we are declaring. We want to see racial reconciliation in a multi ethnic and economically diverse church.


Shape Disciples: Every church, no matter their geography or generation, is commissioned by Jesus to make disciples. We are all disciples of someone. Each of our lives are shaped by the people or principles we are following. At Redeemer, our mission is to see people of all ages become disciples of Jesus and have their life shaped by and reordered around the teachings of Jesus. A disciple of Jesus is someone who, on account of Jesus saving work in their life, is no longer living for the vain and hollow pursuits of this world that leave us hungry and empty. Rather a disciple of Jesus is progressively having their priorities reordered, their character reformed, and their convictions reshaped in the image of Christ through the work and teachings of Jesus. How does this happen at Redeemer? We believe this process of shaping happens through the power of gospel and in the context of community.

At Redeemer we recognize that the gospel is not only for the salvation of sinners but it is also needed for the continued maturity of saints. So we not only talk to people outside the church about the gospel but we preach it weekly to those inside the church as well as those who are in Christ are formed more and more into His image by once again being reminded that we are not working for God’s love and acceptance but from God’s love and acceptance secured for us by Jesus. Shaping happens in our lives as this truth seeps deeper and deeper into our souls and reorients our lives.    

The process of shaping does not take place in a vacuum but in the context of deep interpersonal relationships with other Christians.  Life Groups are the place at Redeemer where we come together to study the Scriptures, love and care for one another, pray with and for each other, serve the community around us, and share the good news with our neighbors. Life Groups are the place where those who have become new creations in Christ are able to work out their new identity in Christ together. Life Groups are the vehicle at Redeemer through which disciples are shaped as we remind each other of who we are and why we are here. To find more information about Life Groups you can visit here


Send Missionaries: Because we believe that God’s saving work is not limited to people already in the faith but that Jesus has truly come to seek and save that which was lost, we aim to send people out on mission into our neighborhoods and around the world to make more disciples. We envision this happening in 3 ways. In our local context we are aiming to leverage our personal relationships for gospel ministry. Nationally, we look to help plant other churches in places where a vibrant gospel witness is needed. Globally, we look to send out short term teams and long term servants to other nations and cultures.