What is the Gospel?

At the heart of the Christian faith is what the apostle Paul calls in Ephesians 6:19 the “mystery of the gospel.” 

 The gospel, at its core, is news, not advice. Advice is counsel we receive about something we must now go and do. On the other hand, news is a report we receive about something that has already been done apart from us and demands a response from us. Every other religion in the world offers advice, but only Christianity reports news. Christianity delivers the news of what God has done to reconcile sinful men and women to Himself, save a people for Himself from among all peoples of the earth, and heal everything in creation that has been shattered by sin. Although this mystery was hidden for ages, God revealed it in stunning high definition clarity through the incarnation, substitution, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus.

Who Is Jesus?

Eternal God

Jesus has always been and will always be God. There was never a time when Jesus was not God, never a time when Jesus ceased to be God, and never will be a time when Jesus will not be God. Jesus has always existed as a person of the Triune God: everything that exists was created through Him, everything that exists was created for Him, and everything that exists is sustained by Him.
John 8:48-58 • Matthew 3:13-17 • Colossians 1:15-20

Human Substitute

Jesus perfectly fulfilled the role of the suffering servant foretold by the prophet Isaiah. Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and suffered greatly as he was beaten and crucified between two thieves. Jesus did not merely die a gruesome death, but upon the cross He took upon Himself the just judgment of God against our sin thereby turning aside the wrath of God and cleansing the guilt of any and all who would trust what Jesus has done for them rather than trusting what they have done for Jesus as the basis of their salvation.
Isaiah 53:1-12 • Mark 15:1-39 • Romans 3:21-26

Risen Savior

Jesus’ body was laid in a borrowed grave that was sealed, but on the third day God raised Him from the dead. In Jesus’ resurrection God declared victory over Satan, sin, and death and all who trust and treasure Jesus above all things share in His victory. They are drawn from the darkness into light, from death into life, and from despair into hope all because Jesus lives.
Romans 4:16-25 • Matthew 13:44 • 1 Peter 1:3

Returning King

Jesus is the King of creation and lovingly rules all he has created for His glory and our good. Jesus is right now seated at the right hand of God the Father, having finished His atoning work, and awaits the hour of His return. When Jesus returns He will set everything right that is wrong in this world by once and for all dispensing justice towards those who have rebelled against His gracious and loving rule and receiving everyone who trusts and treasures Him to live in His infinite joy for all eternity.
Hebrews 10:12 • Revelation 19:11-21 • Revelation 21:1-7

Our Response

This news of God becoming man, living and dying in our place, and rising from the grave to one day return and rule demands a response. Some people in our culture are so familiar with the facts of the story without ever having crossed the line of faith that they respond with indifference. Some people are so threatened by the presence of Jesus in their lives as their Savior and King that they respond with hostility. However, the Scriptures teach us that the only response that results in being reconciled with God and having our hearts healed is to turn from running and ruling our own lives, which is the essence of sin, and to turn to Jesus for the forgiveness of sin and make it our aim to bring all of our life for the rest of our life under His good and gracious rule. When the indifference and/or hostility of your heart is melted into true faith and you come to embrace Jesus as Savior and King you will find this to be true: you love and seek Him because He loved and sought you first. This is what it means to be a Christian. If you’d like to visit with someone about what it means to know and respond to the love of God in Jesus Christ you can contact our pastor here.