It Is Finished!

We know that the work of the cross was to redeem us from sin and reconcile us back to God. That’s because we inherited our sin nature at birth, which makes us alienated from God when we’re born. God’s plan, from the time Adam and Eve tried to be equal with Him, was to redeem us from that choice. We all have the choice to allow the plan God made for our redemption to change us - or not.

What does that mean? 

That means that the work of the cross is also to sanctify us after we’ve been redeemed. Unless we allow the work of the Spirit to change us after salvation, we ignore what Jesus did for us on the cross. Jesus said if we follow Him, we must die to our wants and desires, take up the instrument of death (our cross) and obey Him. (Luke 9:23) We struggle with this part of following Christ because we still have that sin nature that wants to be in control and have our own way. 

The Spirit works in us so we can learn to believe that He is sufficient for all our needs. We must totally surrender everything to Him. That is counterintuitive to our culture which tells us we can have it all if we work hard enough for it. That worldly approach leaves us empty and lacking. In order to have the abundant life Jesus promised us, we have to stop working for it and surrender ourselves to His control - daily. 

How Do We Surrender to God's Control?

It takes practice, intentionality, purpose, and stamina to be obedient in following Christ. But all those adjectives come after surrender. God provides the help we need to follow Him when we approach Him in humility and surrender. We often approach prayer by asking God for help to make this life easier, but Paul said he’d learned to be content whatever the circumstances. Paul knew our contentment isn't found in this life. Our primary purpose must be to seek God first and let Him give us all the other things we need. (Matthew 6:33) Those provisions are all just a by-product from the relationship we have with Him. They’re not our focus - He is.

When Jesus spoke the words on the cross: “It is finished!” He was telling us that God’s plan, formed before time began, had been accomplished. The plan to reconcile us back to God was done. But those words of completion are just the beginning to our life with Christ. He longs to mold us into His image if we’re willing to surrender and let Him transform us. Luke told us that denying ourselves is a daily task. We must learn to die to anything we desire above God. We can’t skip a day if we’re to be obedient and follow Jesus. 

The work of the cross was to redeem us and to sanctify us daily into the image of Christ. Both are a choice we have to make individually. What about you? Have you allowed God to redeem you and sanctify you?

-written by Jeanie Gainey, Deacon of Women’s Ministry


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