Media Upgrade

On Sunday I announced that our elders would like to propose an upgrade to our audio and video equipment. These upgraded components that would assist us in producing both a quality in-person and online service for our members and guests. There are at least four reasons we see for making this investment at this time.


1.     Updating Old Technology: Right now, all of our audio is running on an old analog platform that is very outdated. As a result, if we wanted to add new pieces to our existing platform it would be very difficult, if not near impossible, to have those new digital pieces working with the old analog technology.

2.     Continuity of Service: For the last six months, Justin All has willingly, selflessly, and joyfully tackled the online streaming aspect of our services with his own equipment both in his home and at Highview. An install of this equipment would ease the load on him in two ways. First, it would no longer be necessary for him to transport his equipment each week to Highview. Second, it would allow others to be trained on the equipment so they can operate the video stream in his place. This would give him a much deserved respite, as he would not have to serve every week in that capacity. It would also allow us to offer the stream even on weeks when he is sick or out of town.

3.     Ease of Operation & Expansion: On the audio side, the new digital platform would make it very easy to train new volunteers and expand the team of media volunteers. This would lessen the load currently falling on just a handful of people. In addition, should there need to be an expansion of the system with additional audio channels, it would be as easy as ordering the equipment and a simple “plug & play” installation. 

4.     Ease of Transfer: Finally, when the time comes for us to move out of Highview, all of this equipment could easily and quickly be removed and transferred to any new location we may move to in the future.


Projected Cost

When we planned our 2020 budget in the fall of 2019, we did not envision a global pandemic and this media upgrade was not budgeted for this year. Consequently, our elders agreed that this expense, given its size and the fact that it was not included in our budget for 2020, should be brought before our members for approval. On Thursday, August 27, all of our members will receive an email with instructions on how to vote virtually and a link to the voting portal. Below is a breakdown of the cost estimate for the equipment.

Digital Sound Board: $1,700

Digital Snake: $1,100

Digital In-Ear Monitors: $1,800

Power Supply & Audio Splitter: $1,800

16” MacBook Pro: $2,300

Camera: $1,800

Lighting: $500

Software: $300

Hardware: $700

Total Projected Cost: $12,000


Giving Update

Despite the interruption in our services and ministries due to COVID-19, giving has remained stable. When comparing the first 6 months of 2019 and the first 6 months of 2020 we are $4,000 ahead of where we were last year.

At this time, we have $28,000 in our checking account and $30,000 in our savings account. Our elders are proposing that we purchase this upgraded equipment from our savings account as an investment in our current and future ministry capacity and then replace that money over the next 12-18 months.

If you would like to make a gift toward the cost of this investment you can do so online by designating your gift toward “Media Upgrade”. Any gifts designated in this manner will go directly to offsetting the cost of the new equipment.


If you have any questions, please contact me via email and we can set up a time to talk.

Pastor Shannon


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