Elder Candidates
Last September we invited our members to nominate men they believed to be qualified to serve as elders of Redeemer Church. A total of 5 men were nominated and through the process of follow up conversations 3 of them declined the opportunity to pursue eldership at Redeemer at this time citing issues related to having the time available to shepherd well. Following these conversations, the elders of Redeemer invited 2 of the nominees, Bryan Roe and Matt Simmonds, to begin meeting with us in November. They have met with us now for the last 9 months and these last 9 months have been some of the strangest & most stressful months of ministry here at Redeemer. Although they had no vote, their voice was helpful as we processed how to proceed through a handful of difficult decisions.
After this extended time of meeting with and hearing from them, our elders have unanimously decided to put them forward to you for appointment as elders in the life of our church. While we recognize the challenges that our current situation presents to a church wide vote, we will schedule a vote for Sunday September 13th. Our bylaws call for 2 weeks notice before a vote to affirm elders brought up for appointment and we are giving you 8 weeks notice to visit with Bryan and Matt and/or any of our existing elders about the process. Over the next 8 weeks you are encouraged to express any concerns you may have, seek any clarification you may need, and share any encouragement with our existing elders or either Bryan or Matt.
If we are unable to gather fully as a church by September 13th, we will make alternative arrangements to give every member an opportunity to vote on the installation of these two men as elders here at Redeemer. Please continue to pray for our church body, our deacons, and our elders as we aim to fulfill our mission of sharing the gospel, shaping disciples, and sending missionaries into our neighborhoods and across the globe.
On behalf of our elders,
Pastor Shannon
Matthew Simmonds - Elder Candidate Bio
I grew up going to church in northern New Mexico. Through the faithful teaching of God’s word from my parents, Sunday school teachers, and local church family, I accepted Christ at the age of ten. Even at a young age I knew that apart from Christ I was not enough and the gospel truths that I was taught to confess with my mouth became the truths that I believed in my heart (Romans 10:9). My life was forever changed and I was baptized. I didn't really mature much as a believer until high school and college, when I started to take my faith more seriously. My church communities in New Mexico and Kansas (where I went to college) were instrumental in my growth as a believer. The Lord brought Abby and I together and we began dating in my Junior year of college and were married shortly after we both graduated. We now have two children, Micah (5) and Elsie (3). After moving to Texas in 2014, we joined a church where we served in several ministries and attended classes and theological courses that further pushed me to understand the “why” behind what I believe, and in turn caused my love for God to grow and flourish.
After graduating from Kansas State University, I began my career as a pilot. We have moved many times over the years and the Lord has proven faithful at every corner as we seek to glorify Him wherever he leads us. In December of 2017, the Lord made it clear through a series of circumstances that he was calling us to move to this area. After we relocated from Fort Worth to Royse City in February of 2018, we visited several churches in the area. Redeemer Church stood out as a welcoming group of men and women earnestly trying to live in a gospel-centered biblical community. The theology is sound, the congregation is diverse, and the people are authentic. We felt that God was (and is) doing something here and we're excited to be apart of it. We became members in the Summer of 2018 and immediately felt at home. Abby and I have served in the children's ministry, led a Life Group, and I have had the joy of serving on the worship team, and occasionally teaching Bible Study at Re:New on Sunday mornings.
Bryan Roe - Elder Candidate Bio
My name is Bryan Roe, and although I was not born in Texas, I got here as fast as I could. I was raised by two godly parents, whose Christian faith influenced me to denounce my sin and trust in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at a young age. Growing up I always had a strong support system in my home and church that helped me grow in my faith as I approached adulthood. It was in my late teens that I began recognizing a desire and gifting for ministry that was affirmed by my family, friends and church leaders.
The next eight years of my life were full of ups and downs as I attended college and seminary, seeking to equip myself for ministry. Through many battles with sin, insecurity and confusion, God never left my side. Time and time again he proved His faithfulness, preserved my faith, and opened doors for me to serve Him and His church. I can look back and see that through all my many weaknesses God's grace has been sufficient. It always will be. My God has taught me that my only boast is to be in Christ alone.
In January 2017 God brought my wife, Angela, and me to Redeemer Church. I consider the opportunity to serve here to be one of God's greatest gifts of grace in my life. Over the past three and half years we have seen God grow our family and church family both numerically and spiritually, as well as see God do amazing things in and through our church. Being able to see God at work in the student and Life Groups ministries has been especially impactful. Leading Redeemer Church in song each Sunday is also one of the greatest joys in my life.
As we look ahead to the future, while we do not know what is in store, we want to be a part of what God is doing in Fate and the surrounding area. My desire is to see the Gospel go forth, changing lives while creating and shaping a people here at Redeemer Church that exists to make much of Jesus Christ.