Redeemer Church is in the heart of one of the fastest developing areas of the DFW metroplex. In the year 2000, the city of Fate was home to under 1000 residents.  Today, the population estimate sits over 26,000 and projections indicate that by 2030 there will be close to 40,000 residents within the city limits. The population of Rockwall County, the smallest county in the state of Texas in terms of land area, has grown rapidly over the same time frame as well. The 2010 census indicated that 78,000 people called Rockwall County home while the 2020 census found that the population had surged to 107,000 and current population estimates of the county top 131,000 residents. 


    Redeemer Church was born on a retreat center property south of Royse City Texas in July of 2015 and moved to our current location in Fate in December of 2015.  From 2017 through the first quarter of 2020, we saw a great deal of growth leading up to Covid. However, our recovery from Covid was slower than expected. Since January of 2024 we have averaged 132 people present on Sunday mornings. We currently have a staff that consists of our Lead Pastor, a full time Minister of Discipleship [oversees our student ministry & adult groups], a part-time Minister of Kids, and a part-time Church Administrator.


    Redeemer Church is a congregationally governed, elder led, and deacon served church. Our church votes on several large issues, including but not limited to, the calling of a Lead Pastor, the taking on of any debt or purchase of any real property, the installation of elders, and the receiving and dismissing of members. Our elders are vested with the authority to lead, feed, guide, and protect the church. Outside of the matters that require a congregational vote, our elders make decisions to move the church forward. Our deacons are “task-specific servants” and lead teams to execute ministry in the life of the church. Our deacons lead ministries such as our hospitality ministry, benevolence ministry, member safety team, and men’s & women’s ministries among others.


    Redeemer purchased 6 acres on a major highway in our community in August of 2022, and you can see the initial site plan in the image above. We plan to launch a second capital initiative in the spring of 2025 to generate the funds we need to start development on the property and eventually construct a permanent home in our community. This is indeed an exciting time to be a part of what God is doing in the life of Redeemer Church!


We are looking for the next part-time staff hire as we pursue a Minister of Worship. You can find the job description here. The ideal candidate is a mature follower of Jesus who is a gifted musician with a proven track record in worship leadership who has additional income from another source. The candidate would also need to be willing to join Redeemer Church as a member and live in our community. 


The candidate who will fill this role will lead our worship & tech teams. Our worship & tech teams are currently staffed with a team of 23 volunteers. On the worship side, those volunteers consist of vocalists, keys players, drummers, bassists, & an electric guitar player. In addition, our musicians & vocalists currently utilize multi-tracks for click run through their in-ear monitors. On the tech side, those volunteers consist of sound engineers, ProPresenter operators, & live stream operators. For the right candidate, this role has the capacity to grow into a full time Minister of Worship role and possibly into a Lead Pastor for Worship which would be a vocational elder role.

If you believe yourself to be the right candidate for this role, you can apply by submitting a cover letter and resume below.