Intensives are a small group semester based theological intensive study format involving reading, discussion, and short reflection papers to apply truth to various life environments and seasons. Intensives will cover our Doctrinal Statement, Apologetics, Church History, and various relevant Topics in Systematic Theology.
In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus gives the charge that we are to make disciples of all nations. This command is not just about missions and evangelism, but also about discipleship.
Discipleship is best pictured as one pathway with many different trailheads for each believer. It is our job and calling to assist each person in whatever stage of their discipleship journey they may find themselves on.
Through Redeemer Intensives, we aim to:
EQUIP: We see believers being equipped with the tools necessary for roles in the Church, and for every day encounters where they can share and defend the gospel, and “make disciples of all nations”.
EDIFY: Another core conviction of the Church is to see the personal growth and maturity of every believer, and we see Redeemer Intensives being one of the many contexts in which this can be cultivated. Through looking at various theological topics and discussing the heart of the matter with others, we see each believer drawing nearer to God and growing in their own sanctification.
EXALT: Through any trailhead of discipleship at Redeemer the end goal is the same: to offer up our lives as living sacrifices. We belong to Christ, and our lives and discipleship should all point to Him as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
“Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.” Colossians 1:28