New Beginnings
The best part of celebrating New Year’s Day is the wonderful impression that this year is different! We have a brand-new opportunity to begin again. Today is a new day, let us rejoice and be glad in it! (Psalm 118:24) So we attack our tasks, goals and responsibilities with a passion, but then we run out of energy. We try to be a better husband, wife, coworker, student and employee, but our days are riddled with mistakes and shortcomings. We lose our zeal and focus. We backslide. Who will ever deliver us from this cycle? (Romans 7:24) (Psst…the answer is ALWAYS Jesus!)
“But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”
When we fail, we are disappointed because we must begin again to fix the problem or find a new solution.
Why should we try again when our efforts lead to failure? Why improve instead of retract? Sometimes our lack of progress steals our joy and dashes our hope. We despise the slow process of progress in any area. We pray “Lord, give us patience and give it to us quickly!” We are prideful and dislike doing things poorly. I personally would love to live in the fantasy that everything I touch turns to gold.
We despise starting at the bottom of any proficiency and working away until we are better. Since the advent of Sin, any worthwhile endeavor is difficult. It’s a grind. It’s hard work. (See Genesis 3:19) Progress is slow, but God arranged this relationship since the beginning of creation and calls it “good.” (Genesis 2:15)
The Good News: Perseverance
Take comfort in Jesus words that He will “make all things new” again in our lives. (Revelation 21:5) In real life, we will struggle for wins and we will suffer losses, but what we find in scripture is a joyful God challenging His children to be hopeful and happy as well. (1 Peter 1:8) We have a God who knows things can get much better and one day He will make them so! He will rule the world in perfect justice and we wouldn’t have to be so disgruntled at the effects of sin. But until that time we persevere, we struggle, we fight sin and all our bodily urges that draw us away from perfection. The Navy Seals have two sayings: “Your never out of the fight,” and “The only easy day was yesterday.” Perhaps we should take that steadfastness and tenacity into our own lives this year. Dare to struggle, to carry our crosses with increased joy, zeal and dependance on God. While we wait for the God’s deliverance, let us work with dependance upon Him to strengthen us in our tasks with an attitude of gratitude and praise. Mountains can be moved with perseverance, so never give up nor grow weary in doing good. We have a hope and we have a future in Jesus. He carries us through our burdens until we reach the other side where there is peace.